These terms apply to anyone participating within a PBSI Event. A PBSI Event is any event hosted, funded, or officially associated with the name, or branding of “PBSI”. This includes any event hosted on a domain/subdomain that is a part of
. Please note that the Prizes section may not be applicable for events not funded by “PBSI”. For more information about a specific event and the terms that apply to it, please contact said server’s administrators. A Player / User refers to anyone that participates within an event, which includes but is not limited to: Connecting to a server ran by “PBSI” or affiliates, participating in an event by “PBSI” or affiliates, or requesting a payout from PBSI or affiliates. An affiliate refers to someone directly involved in an specific event’s hosting. You will not be notified when these terms change, you are liable for checking the latest terms each event and terms of the time you joined the event will be the ones applied to you, the user. IMPORTANT: These terms do not encompass everything, please use common sense and act in a way that does not ruin the event.
A user using any form of modification to their game/computer that could give any form of advantage of another player is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: Hack / Cheat Clients, Hack / Cheat Mods, Resource/Texture Packs (Minecraft) that that allow you to either see through blocks or see invisible blocks such as barriers, and Applications that send inputs on behalf of the user, (Autoclickers, double clickers and macros).
Any piece of hardware that could give a user any form of advantage, such as a double clicking mouse. (To verify if your hardware is compliant, please contact the server/event’s administrator)
Any attempt to defraud any staff member of the event’s team, including any form of lying to a request of a staff member (within reason).
Any violation of our game rules.
Attempting to cause any form of damage the event/server.
Any violation of the any of the terms listed within this document.
The distribution of NSFW/LEWD/Inappropriate in any form, including sending websites that contain this content in any capacity.
IP Addresses.
Location Information (As provided by your IP address).
Any messages sent within an event server, private message or not.
E-Mail Addresses, Names, Phone Numbers or any other information provided by your Payment provider.
Any other information you provide us.
Any information found on your computer from a screen-share.
This data is necessary to verify payout information and for basic server features, such as IP bans. We don’t disclose this information to 3rd parties, only staff member of PBSI Events, and our direct partners (Such as server hosts).
You may request the removal of certain data, by E-Mailing [email protected]
what information you would like removed, your reason for this request and acknowledgment of the consequences of said request. Please set the subject line of your E-Mail to Data Removal Request
. Please note that IP Addresses are required for basic server functions, and thus cannot be fully removed. If you request the removal of your logs, such as messages while awaiting a prize/reward from an event you forfeit said prize as messages are required to determine the authenticity of an event. Please allow calendar 30 days from the time of request for us to process it.
Prizes are any “thing”, physical or digital given to you as a result of your participation within an event/giveaway. Please read the following sections to understand what terms apply to you if you receive a prize. A payout service refers to the application/service you are using to receive money/prizes.
You did not have a supported payout method.
You violated any of our rules or terms.
You provided incorrect information.
You live in an unsupported region.
You did not meet the Payout requirements.
You were disqualified from an event.
Payouts can usually only be done through PayPal
, it is possible for us to potentially accommodate other methods, but this cannot be guaranteed. You must contact the event organizer with the relevant information within 3 hours
of being declared the winner of an event or you forfeit the prize. Prizes are generally non-transferable and cannot be given to other people (Exceptions may be made upon request), however you may willingly forfeit a prize. Please allow up to 60
calendar days from the time of your request for your prize to be sent1. Note: We are not liable if your bank/payout service rejects/refunds your prize. Once the money has been delivered you cannot request any changes. All Payouts are done in USD
or GBP
. We are not liable for any fees done through your payout provider, and will only spend the exact amount of the money won.
If you are under the age that your payout service requires you to be then your payout may not be granted.
If your account for your payout service gets suspended/locked we will not resend your prize.
If you provide us with incorrect payout information, such as E-Mail, then you forfeit the prize.
If you provide the Payout information of another person then you forfeit the prize.
If you live in an unsupported region your payout may not be provided.
If your account on your payout service does not accept payments then your payout may be rejected.
If you do not reside in the United States or the United Kingdom then you may not be eligible to receive a prize due to your payout provider. All monetary prizes are send/paid in USD or GBP. We do not pay conversion fees.
The following regions are not supported:
The Russia Federation (Russia)
The People’s Republic of China (China)
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea)
Any country not supported by PayPal or that have had sanctions placed upon them by the United States or United Kingdom
We may require you to give us access to your PC via remote accessing software, such as Anydesk 2 to prove you didn’t violate any of our rules / terms. Failure to screen share upon request will result in your payout/prize being denied and potentially a ban from all PBSI events if cheating was suspected.
Event Cancelled: If an event must be cancelled due to technical or personal reasons then no prize is guaranteed for any person.
Prize Forfeited: If the winner forfeits the prize, either willingly or due to a violation of our rules, then no prize is guaranteed of any person.
Server Crash: If possible, the event will resume upon restoration of the server, but no prize is guaranteed is this is unachievable.
Failure to maintain authenticity: If for any reason it is impossible for us to guarantee the event was fair we may cancel it and any payout.
Refunds are only given in extraordinary circumstances, and are not guaranteed for any purchase. Any refund request must be made within 7 days
and you are liable for all fees, including but not limited to: credit card fees, currency transaction fees and service fees.
None of our events are ever rigged in any fashion for any particular player, however if you have any issues you may contact us on Discord or E-Mail us at [email protected]
If a player has violated one of our terms you may report them by contacting an event administrator or contacting us on Discord. We will wait a minimum of 30 minutes after an event before providing a prize to allow for people to upload proof for reports.
Committing any crime or any form of harassment related, in, or towards the event or anyone participating within the event will result in a permanent blacklist from all PBSI provided/managed services, immediate rejection of any payout request and an report to the proper authorities. Crimes include but are not limited to: Doxxing and DDoSing.
Any form of impersonation of the “PBSI” brand is disallowed and violates these terms, and may also violate common law trademark protection. To verify if an event/group is affiliated with “PBSI” scroll down to clause 13 which shows the official partners of “PBSI”. These terms do not apply to services not affiliated with “PBSI”, even if they do use the “PBSI” branding without permission. Impersonation of any user is not allowed, and may result in punishment.
By participating in an event you are not guaranteed any prize, as prizes are only granted to people who “win” events. We are not liable for any content transmitted through any server with administrate/manage in any form, however please report content that violates our rules.
Below are the only official partners of PBSI Events.
| Discord | Status (Symbol)|
|:--------:| :-------------:|
| stumberr | NP
| ambarrabma | SP
| 11drop | SM
| nick_rmu | SM
| lemonfrenzy | SP
| silentflame | SM
| subtled | SP
: This user hosts their own events that aren’t affiliated with PBSI and their events aren’t bound with these terms unless they use the “PBSI” name.
: This user usually only hosts for PBSI Events and thus their events usually follow these terms unless otherwise stated.
: This user is an official staff member of PBSI Events, but does not host PBSI Events and cannot use the “PBSI” branding. These are people you should listen to when a part of a PBSI event.
: These people host their own events, but are also official staff members of PBSI Events and may use the “PBSI” name and branding. These terms only apply if the “PBSI” branding is used.
“PBSI”/ “PBSI Events” is in no way affiliated with Minecraft, Mojang or Microsoft in any way, and does not reflect the views of them in any form.
Staff members reserve the right to punish anyone for any reason they deem fit as “PBSI Events” and servers are privately owned. If you have an issue with a punishment please contact our support team.
Sent refers to the money being sent to your account through your payout service, it is not the time you will receive the money. ↩︎