PBSI Event Rules:

These are the rules that must be followed when playing in any PBSI Event! Failure to follow these rules will result in punishments, such as not receiving your prize and a blacklist from PBSI Events!


Using any form of modification to your game that could give you any form of advantage is disallowed. This includes but is not limited to hack clients, X-Ray, ghost blocks mod, health indicators, mini-maps, and visible barriers. Purely performance modifications are allowed, most quality of life mods are allowed and zoom mods are allowed.

Using any external software that emulates inputs for you is disallowed, such as macros and auto-clickers.

Using any hardware that gives you an advantage of another player in an unfair way is disallowed. This includes mice that double click.

Using additional accounts within an event is not allowed.

Chat Abuse:

Any form of spam is disallowed, spam includes any message (including multiple variations of the same message) sent to annoy people, usually by repeating the same message.

Any form of NSFW/LEWD/Inappropriate content is disallowed, as PBSI Events strive to be appropriate for all ages above 13.

Slurs are disallowed and will result in a mute. A slur is defined as: A derogatory or insulting term applied to particular group of people. Some swearing is allowed, so long as it is not directed at anyone / any group.

Advertising is not allowed in any form. Please refrain from sending server IPs or links to promote something, whether it be yourself or someone else.

Revealing any personal information about any person, true or false, is against the rules and will result in an ban.

English is the only language allowed to be spoken within game chats.

Any form of discrimination/harassments of any group is disallowed in all forms.

Bug Abuse:

Using bugs to your advantage in an event is disallowed and will result in an ban. To report a bug please contact us on discord. Please note that block glitching and ghost blocks are considered cheating, and will result in a ban.


Please remember that Doxxing [the publishing private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet], harassment and DDoSsing are crimes. Joking, threatening or attempting any of the aforementioned crimes will result in a permanent blacklist from all PBSI related services and all information collected about you (As defined in our TOS) will be forwarded to the appropriate authorities.

Additional Rules:

Staff members reserve the right to punish any user for any reason. These rules do not encompass all punishable offenses.

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